Tuesday, August 27, 2013

The "I pooped" Story...

Okay, I know the title of this entry sounds weird and that it's kind of long, but bare with me and read to the end; this is hilarious.

Yesterday, I was riding the subway with all of the Inbound Exchange Students. As the subways can get very crowded, four of us were slightly apart from the rest of the group. I, believing I am a funny person, decided to tell a story my best friend, Kira, had shared with me before I left.

My friends Nick, from Wisconsin, and Nicole, from Nevada, are Supernatural fans (a hit TV show). I told them the story that Jared Padelecki, the actor who plays Sam, had told during a Q&A he had. His story goes something kind of like this:

Jared, his wife, and his friend are all boarding a train in Europe. Jared and his friend are in charge of getting all of the luggage on the train. Just as the doors close, Jared realizes he left his wife's bag on the platform. The train starts moving and there's no way that he can get the bag. Under normal circumstances, this would have been okay, but it was during a high-security time and the bag had all of his wife's new-bought, expensive clothing in it.

Jared is freaking out and searches the train trying to find someone to help him so that his wife's bag doesn't "get incinerated". Unfortunately, Jared can't find anyone who works on the train, so he goes back to the door in a panic. He looks down and finds the emergency brake (note that they're now in the middle of nowhere). So, what does Jared do? He pulls it. The train comes to a complete stop and a member of the train crew rushes up to him. She doesn't speak English natively, but she asks Jared what is wrong and if he's okay; she's genuinely concerned.

Jared explains why he stopped the train and the woman asks him "You stopped the train...for a bag?" Jared tells the woman that he's very sorry for stopping the train. The woman responds with "Oh no, you didn't just stop this train; you stopped ALL of the trains." (If you want to hear his whole story, I'll post a link).

So, after I tell this story to my friends Nick, Nicole, and Valerie (she's from Florida and has only been here for a day), I proceed to tell them that I've been trying for two weeks to find the emergency brake, but I can't. Nick asks me why I've been looking and I say "Because it would be really funny if I can say "On my last day in South Korea, I stopped all of the trains in Busan." Luckily, there isn't a emergency brake; they have an SOS walkie-talkie that connects to the conductor.

Now this is where it gets really funny. From this point on, all of us are trying to come up with valid reasons to get the train stopped. The only one any of us remember is this one. Someone simply asked "What if you say in a really upset voice 'I pooped'?" As we are all immature, this is hilarious to us. As usual, I try to out-funny them all.

My plan was to act out talking into the walkie-talkie and say "Hello? I pooped and it's everywhere and the passengers are really upset, because it's getting in their shoes." Of course, I was already laughing and the rest of the sentence was hilarious to me, so all I could get out over and over again was "Wait, wait. So I'll say 'Hello? I pooped" before uncontrollable laughter ensued. Mind you, we're on a crowded subway while this is all happening.

Before I finally get out my sentence, I've repeated the statement "I pooped" like 20 times. The entire time this has been happening, there was a Korean woman standing next to us. I think she understood enough English to understand "I pooped." I say this only because at the next stop, the woman practically ran to the other side of the car, opened the door, and changed cars.

I made a Korean woman think I pooped myself on the subway. She probably told her family, friends, and coworkers. I will forever be remembered to her as that foreigner who pooped their pants on the subway.


Jared's Train Story:

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